Are you 100% confident that you’ll know exactly how to help your child prevent being bullied when they go back to school?
You’re one decision away from making sure that your child doesn’t become a target of bullying.
I'm Ready!All The Tools You Need To Keep Your Child Bullyproof Is At Your Fingertips!
Seriously! I have done the work for you and packaged it to be super comprehensive, and easy to implement. All you have to do is show up and ask as many questions as you want.
YES! I want in!Here's the problem
One of the biggest mistakes parents make is that they wait until something happens to their child to start educating them about bullying.
Most parents would advise their children to walk away or defend themselves.
Parents feel at a loss and even guilty for not preparing their kids to protect themselves causing children to feel like they have no choice but to either take the abuse or fight to survive.
This is what happened to my child
I never expected to have to advocate for my 5-year old when she started school. I thought that bullying was something that happened much later in school.
My baby was bullied on the school bus, so naturally, I reported it to the school bus driver only to be told that nothing could be done.
You see, the bully and his two older brothers were intimidating all of the kids on the bus and my daughter wasn’t the only victim. No one would validate what the bullies had been doing.
This is a common response by victims. They’re afraid of speaking up. They worry about being harmed more often or more intensely.
So, I reached out to the school principal to get help. Much to my surprise, the school principal told me she couldn’t help because the incidents were happening on the school bus, not the school grounds.
I WAS FURIOUS! I had been under the impression that the school would have jurisdiction in this situation. But, how was I supposed to know?
No parent (especially those who have never had kids in school before) plans on having to advocate for their child against bullying so soon.
Needless to say, my baby and all of the other kids on the bus endured this for that entire school year and the beginning of the following school year. Why?
Because the school's NO TOLERANCE policies were misleading.
It took a lot of work from all parties involved, including the school principal to provide a permanent and effective solution.
This event is what catapulted me into doing bullying research and creating the Diversity & Anti-Bullying Academy (#DABA). I did it to help my child and to educate other parents so that they won't have to experience the stress and frustration that my child and family went through. I also created it to educate school leaders about the impact on us all and so that they help the bully stop too.
You and your children deserve better! That’s why I have dedicated myself to helping parents of K-8th grades to keep kids safe and happy.

Physical bullying decreased during the pandemic, but what will happen when kids go back to school?
Why trust me to help you?
My name is Dali and I'm not just an anti-bullying coach and educator. I'm a mom to two teen girls, a U.S. Army veteran, and wife to an amazing, supportive husband (also an Army veteran).
As a parent, I had had to advocate for my children from bullying. So, I know what it's like to feel like you've got to do whatever it takes to keep your child safe. I meant that so much that I became an expert in bullying awareness education.
No parent should struggle the way I did when seeking solutions to keep a child safe from bullying.
I also know what it feels like to have been bullied as a child and as an adult. So, what you can learn from me can be practiced by people of different ages.
I have done the research and I make sure that I share my sources are legit by professionals in the field. After all, research is something that I learned to do well through my college years as I earned my master's degree in Women and Gender studies with a concentration in social policy and leadership.
That's why I've been hired by many types of organizations such as schools universities, private organizations, libraries, and even business development centers to train parents, staff, and educators since 2017.
When you work with me, you get clear information and practical solutions. So, I invite you to ask me any questions you might need to be answered before registering for this 5-week coaching program.
Kids can even feel alone because they think that teachers and staff at schools don’t care.
They feel like their parents wouldn’t understand what they go through when they’re bullied and so, they keep any incidents to themselves.
Meanwhile, parents are unaware and blindsided about the seriousness of the issue until it’s gone on for too long or it has escalated.
By the time the school is aware of the situation, the parents are angry at the school for not having noticed the bullying going on and the child has high anxiety and maybe even fear of going to school.
But none of this has to be this way!
I've worked with many parents who feel lost and hopeless when they come to me.
However, after the end of several coaching sessions, they...
When you work with me, you learn in-depth information about bullying awareness, prevention, how to build up your child’s confidence, how to manage bullying situations effectively, and you will learn to be a strong, effective advocate to keep your child safe and much, much more!
“I learned all the types of bullying and examples of each one, how to identify each one, how to detect a problem, what to do in different situations and how to go about it.”
-Ana V. (Mother of 7th grader)
“This is a topic that should constantly be worked on and working on to remove and stop it from the beginning.”
- Claudia C. (Early Headstart Teacher)
"This course is helping me in my personal and at work."
-Raquel V. (Mom of a 5th grader)
“I have no words to describe how nice and interesting this workshop was. I hope it is offered for our annual conference.”
-Beatriz M. (K-12 Teacher)
What Schools Don't Teach Kids About Bullying Awareness is a 5- week LIVE coaching program for parents and educators to learn how to keep kids safe from bullying.
What you'll get:
- How to clearly define bullying to children and other basics (warning signs, reporting methods, and more)
- Confidence boosting techniques to teach kids to manage bullying situations safely and effectively
- Methods to teach kids that they have more commonalities with other kids than differences in order to become allies against bullying
- Weekly updates to build on your anti-bullying awareness education and opportunities to connect with me regarding any questions and concerns
- A private community of parents just like you to share ideas and get support
**This coaching program is for any adult that parents a child**
The LIVE COACHING PROGRAM starts Wednesday, Sept. 1st at 6 pm (EST)
“This program is so badly needed all over the country. In my 30-years as a teacher, this is by far the most effective way to teach kids about bullying respect, and accepting others - as well as themselves!”
-Maria A. (K-12 teacher)
“This course was excellent! Thank you for teaching it. It’s too bad that some adults are bullies too, but this course helps with that too.”
-Maria T. (Mother of 5th grader)
I don't want to wait until it's too late.
I'm ready to start educating myself about all forms of bullying to keep my child safe.
I WANT TO FIND OUT HOW!Is this the right program for you?
If you are a concerned adult about a child in your life becoming a target of bullying, this is for you.
If you are concerned about a child in your life exhibiting bullying behaviors, this is for you.
If you are a concerned parent that wants to learn about bullying prevention, this is for you.
If you are a parent, adoptive parent, mentor, legal guardian, or an influential family member to a child, this is for you.
If you are a school coordinator or director of an anti-bullying program at a school or place of employment, this is for you.
If you are a K-12 teacher, this is for you.
Who is the program NOT a good fit for?
This program is NOT for people who believe that bullying is not real.
This is NOT for people who believe bullying is a healthy way for kids to learn to manage conflicts
This is NOT for people who believe that kids are just soft.
This is NOT for people who cannot accept others' differences or diversity.