Who is the Bruno of your family?

Have you seen Disney’s new movie, “Encanto''? I’ve seen it about five times so far. I love it! It has a message that we don’t talk about openly - toxic families and the black sheep in each family. 

Really, this movie has many people talking and I’ve seen many reels and videos regarding Bruno. 

Yes, Bruno. 

You see, we all have Bruno in our families. If you think about it, Bruno is anyone who has spoken up or called someone out for something they shouldn’t be doing. 

Bruno is anyone who calls out an issue or gives a warning about something they foresee coming. Bruno is the person who tells their boss to do something about a toxic work environment. He is the family member who tells everyone they should do something about the uncle or cousin who keeps putting themselves in situations that hurt the entire family. 

When Bruno speaks up it’s because he sees everything going on with a clear vision. He doesn’t allow...

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1 of 3 kids admits to having been bullied.

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