3 Attributes To Look For In A Parenting Coach

Hey there amazing parents! Ever wondered what an anti-bullying coach does? Yep, it's a thing! I've been on this incredible journey for five years now, and let me tell you, I absolutely LOVE it!

Why did I dive into this? Well, because parenting, like for many of you, hasn't been a walk in the park for me. There were moments when I craved honest, unbiased advice without the fear of judgment. And guess what? You're not alone in feeling that way.

Let's talk about the stigma around reaching out for parenting help – it's a bit silly, right? I mean, we seek assistance for everything else in life, so why should parenting be any different?

Enter the superhero of your parenting journey: the parenting coach! ‍ Here are THREE things to consider when searching for your perfect parenting coach:

  1. Synergy: Find someone you vibe with. Your coach should feel like a trusted friend, someone you're comfortable sharing even the toughest parenting experiences with. It's a...

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7 Tips For A Good Friendship

Friendship is not about how long you’ve known the person. It’s about those who have been a constant in your life. It’s about those who were there for you in good and bad times and about the ones who remain true to you behind your back. Friendship is loyalty and honesty, even when you don’t want to hear the truth. That’s real friendship.

In my early 20s I had a couple of friends who were always around when they’d break up with their boyfriends or when something rough was going on in their lives. But as soon as there was a new love interest or things would improve in their lives, they’d grow distant again.

I wouldn’t hear from them unless I’d call to check up on them, and I did this for quite a few years.

I’m sure some of you have had a friend like this at one point or another. You know, that friend who only comes around when they’re feeling lonely or when things aren’t going so well for them.

Years later, I...

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1 of 3 kids admits to having been bullied.

Most kids NEVER tell an adult that they're being bullied because they try to handle the situation alone or they fear that telling an adult might make matters worse. 

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